Christmastime in Texas

This was my first Christmas in seven to be in an English-speaking country going out caroling and restaurant singing. What a breath of fresh air! Ironically, most of the restaurants they sing in here are Mexican-style and pretty much everyone on the team speaks and sings in Spanish. Some people call Texas “North Mexico”, and they’ve got evidence to back it up. Basically there are two types of Texans:

-The Big Texan

-The Big Mexican

So, yeah, there went all my fresh air. Ha ha. Of course, most Mexicans speak English and they’re very sweet besides, so all in all, I had a great time.

Christmas morning we had deluxe omelets, crepes, pancakes and a fully-stocked coffee bar with all sorts of ingredients. We played the “Steal the Present” game, which the people of Texas actually call the “Chinese Giftgiving Game”. Absurd. Ha!

Christmas dinner was unconventional yet sumptuous: Beef steak, Fettucini Alfredo, fresh shrimp, Greek salad, Bacon asparagus spears, and our pick of 5 imported wines. God bless Ally and Gabe for their hard work! So delish!

And it was a Merry Christmas!

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